Orders & Delivery
How long will it take for my order to arrive?
Orders are usually confirmed within 48 hours and delivered within 2 to 4 business days. However, due to unforeseen circumstances out of our control, there could be times where this may be delayed longer.
Can I still order here from abroad if I don't have a Hong Kong address?
Sure and we'll ship it out for free. Please note that depending on your location, delivery times may vary.
Can I change the shipping address if I typed in the wrong one?
Message us as soon as possible. If the item hasn't been sent yet, this won't be a problem. However, this will be complicated if the item is already en-route so we might need add some additional charges.
How can I track my order?
Check your email for the tracking number. If that doesn't work, just tell us what your ordered and your order number, and we'll help you out.
What to do if my order arrived defective or damaged?
Send us a message or email us at info@bagtrotter.com